We have really been crafting it up in my classroom over the last week getting ready for the holidays. I like to be able to send home a couple little crafts as gifts from my students to their parents. The craft we made is a little ornament. I drew the outside shape of Christmas trees and Snowmen in the cirlce of the ornament. I let each student choose which type of ornament they wanted to make (Snowman or Tree). Then, using Q-tips, my students had to fill the shapes with lots of little dots.

Before we got started, I did some modeling on the board. I put a sample up and showed my students how I wanted them to fill the INSIDE with DOTS. I told them there should be NO Smearing and NO going outside the lines. I demonstrated the Right way and Wrong way and had the kids label whether or not I was doing it right. They actually did pretty good with this, and I think it may have prevented many of them from doing the craft the wrong way.
The first day, we only did the base color (white for snowmen and green for trees). Then, the second day we added more details (scarf, hat, face for snowman and ornaments for trees). After they were finished, I laminated them, cut them out, and added a string to hang it from.
One of my lower functioning students finger painted his...and I just went over it with a permanent marker...I think it turned out super cute!
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