Here are some screen shots of the product:
All about me page and pieces.
Phone Number Page and pieces
All about me (school) page, Address Page, and Pieces.
I created as many "pieces" for the pages as I could. Unfortunately, for this product, everything is so individualized depending on each student. So, I provided blank boxes to use for pieces for all the pages that require pieces to be tailored to the individual. If you have a MAC, you should be able to open the product in preview and add a text box to type your info into the blank boxes. Otherwise, you could always hand-write it in, or print it from a word document and glue it onto the blank box before laminating!
I LOVE all of your ideas! You are a wonderful blogger and I wish I had enough discipline to blog about my room the way you do. I really appreciate being able to check out your blog for ideas and activities!!