Hello again and happy holidays! It has been some time since I posted. Ever since re-locating a year and a half ago, I have struggled to keep up a regular posting schedule. On the bright side, I have been taking a lot of time to spend with my family and to take care of myself. We recently bought a house (!!) which is keeping me busy and both my husband and I started new jobs (for the second time since moving). We are still trying to train our little stinker of a dog to sit, stay, and shake, but she is making steady progress (I haven't resorted to taking/charting data on her behavior quite yet!).
In my time off from blogging, I have been keeping a growing list of topics I want to blog about, so am hoping to get back into it in the upcoming next year.
You guys...I love the holidays. I love spending time with family and eating all the rich and amazing holiday foods. I love shopping for and giving gifts to people I care about. I like it even more when I can make gifts to give to people that are meaningful (thank you Pinterest for so many amazing ideas in this arena). When I sat down to write this post, and logged into Blogger for the first time in a long time....I noticed that many people had been asking for copies of my "Quick Letter Assessment." However, I haven't responded or sent it out to anyone...not because I don't like to share, but because I keep looking for this template, and can't find it on any of my computers/disc drives/clouds/etc. So I decided that since I like to give hand-made gifts to those I care about, I would re-make this simple little assessment and post it for FREE for anyone who wants to use it!

I also got a bit excited when re-making the Letter Assessments above and ended up making an entire packet of letter activities which can be purchased on TPT. It includes the assessments above, as well as an assessment for receptive/expressive identification of letters, letter sorting activities (can be laminated or used as cut/paste activity) and activities to practice receptive letter identification with bingo dabbers, stampers, or stickers!
I hope everyone has happy holidays, wonderful winter break, and I am looking forward to seeing more of you in the new year. If you have any topics you would like me to focus on, please let me know and I'll add them to my list!
Thanks so much for the letter assessments! Enjoy your break!