
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summer of Learning: Summer Unit

Welcome to Day 4 of my Summer of Learning Series.  Today, I will be sharing a unit I created to work on Summer vocabulary and counting!  I have a lot of kids working on identifying letters, identifying numbers, counting, reading words, and labeling pictures.  This unit covers all of those academic topics while using a fun and engaging topic (SUMMER!) with functional vocabulary words.

Click Here or on the picture below to see this product in my TPT store.

This unit focuses on 15 vocabulary words related to summer.
Included are:
-Vocabulary Overview Page
-Flash cards (words)
-Flash cards (pictures)
-16 Worksheets
-1 Adapted Book
-I Have, Who Has? Card Game

Here is a brief overview....lots of pictures.

Vocabulary Overview Page:

Flash Cards:  We have used these to practice naming pictures or reading words in a traditional flashcard manner.  We have also used these to do matching activities such as matching words to pictures and playing memory.

16 Worksheets:
These include 4 pages of writing worksheets (dotted lines and boxes for each letter)

4 pages of Counting Worksheets

2 pages of Matching words to pictures

6 Pages of Following Directions, Sorting, Cut/Paste Activities

I love this adapted book! Kids velcro pictures to make a simple descriptive sentence (i.e. "I see 4 orange ice creams.")

I Have, Who Has? is an awesome game to work on turn taking, listening to each other, vocabulary building, and reading skills!  I love it...and love watching my kids get more and more independent at playing each time we use it!

Head over to my Facebook Page to see my special giveaway for today only!!  Make sure to Follow Me so you can be sure to hear about all my special sales and giveaways ALL SUMMER (and school year) LONG!

I was asked to participate in this post by Personal Creations, who are trying to help encourage parents to spend time working with their children to keep them always moving forward with their education (even during time off from school!).  Soon they will have a Pinterest Board full of summer activity ideas!  Can't wait to share it with you once it's up! 

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