
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Currently MAY

I am SO HAPPY it is May…now I am just waiting for some warm weather to stick around!  Hop on over to Farley's website to join in this fun link-up!

Listening: to Parenthood.  I am about to finish the last episode on Netflix!!  Now, I need to find a place to watch all of this season's episodes stat!

Loving: that I get to stay home this the past month, I have been to Dallas, Miami, San Diego, and Wisconsin (twice!).  I need a little R&R and time to catch up on the rest of my laundry!

Thinking:  about too many things...I have so many dates going around my head, I'm struggling to keep them all straight.  From my principal observation, to field trip dates, our "class play" rehearsals/date, and end of the year meetings...sheesh...and that's only the work stuff! 

Wanting:  WARM WEATHER!  Seriously…I need some vitamin D in my life. 

Needing:  to eat healthy.  I've been indulging a little too much lately.  Gearing up for some healthy eating this month!

Surprise:  Jenn is new to the blogging world!  We have all been there as new bloggers and trying to get followers, make connections, etc.  So I wanted to feature her blog to help her gain even more exposure. She has been blogging for just about 1 month now and I have really enjoyed reading her posts.  I especially have loved her posts about new work task ideas...they are very creative!  Click the image below to be linked to her site :-)


  1. Parenthood is so great! I watched them all on Amazon Prime and now have the current ones on my DVR but have had no time to get to them! and...I know what you mean about the eating/health stuff - I need to get back on that train stat!
    Have a great weekend!
    BigTime Literacy

  2. Thank you ! Great minds do think alike! It is so encouraging when you and other bloggers have been so supportive of my start up. That's what I love about teachers!

    P.s. I just discovered parenthood about two months ago and I have been slowly trying to catch up to the current season too. I love finding shows that have a bunch of seasons already because i can binge big time!

  3. You've been doing lots of traveling! I'm glad you get to spend this weekend at home. Our team has been busy planning end of year activities too. This is always such a busy time of year! I'll be sure to check out Jenn's blog. Have a great day!

    Antoinette :)
    Shoelaces and Sugar Cookies

  4. I hope you are enjoying your weekend at home! Last weekend was my first weekend at home in 5 weeks, so I know how you feel. It's exhausting!

    My Carolina Classroom
