
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

11 Products I Can't Live Without!

As teachers, we all have certain items we can't live without in our classrooms.  Today, I want to share some of my favorite items with you.  I'm sure many of these items are on your lists as well!  These are listed in no particular order.
Cute Chevron Border on image is from

Laminator. When my first laminator broke, I'm pretty sure I cried…actually, I know I did.  Through Donorschoose, I was able to get this extra long laminator which is long enough to laminate file folders!  Also, couldn't live without my laminating sheets.  I prefer to get 5mm thickness to my items are extra durable! 

Sharpies.  What teacher doesn't love sharpies?  These are great for anything!  (Except when your students think they are dry erase markers and use them on the white board.)  

Floor Grippers.  I discovered these pre-cut floor grippers at the Dollar Tree this year (4 for $1).  They are perfect for my little wiggle-worm student whose desks moves half way across the classroom during a 15-minute activity.  These have actually worked very well at keeping his desk in the right place!  And, I'm happy I didn't have to cut out perfect circles myself!

Pencil Sharpener.  Love this sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies…easy for the kids to use and makes the sharpest pencils EVER!

Velcro.  Velcro is much needed at every station in my classroom.  Whether it is in a file folder activity, schedules, to attach visuals to the wall, or to help students communicate, our world revolves around velcro.  To get the most for my money, I usually buy the rolls of velcro tape and then cut it into the right size pieces for each activity.  This can be quite annoying when your hands get sore and your scissors are sticky (enter another favorite thing…goo-gone!).

Containers and Plastic Baggies.  We use plastic baggies to store all the pieces for our file folders, binder work, adapted books and more.  Containers are necessary all over the place for work tasks, organization, and storage.  I collect containers like crazy.  Whenever I see one I like at Target or the Dollar Tree, I buy them.  I even store them all inside a giant plastic container!  That way, when I'm looking to re-organize, I simply open up my tub and dig through my collection of containers to find something that will work.

Wet Erase Markers and Dry Erase Markers.  We use dry erase markers for our white boards.  For our laminated items, we use wet erase markers (overhead markers).  These are super easy to clean off with just a quick spray of water or cleaner.  Plus, they have a finer point, which makes them easier for kids to write with.

Binders and Milk Crates.  I have binders at almost every station in my classroom.  They are a great way to store and organize students' individual work.  I also love using milk crates from my cafeteria (don't worry, I asked if I could have them) to store and organize the classroom materials.  Plus, they are FREE!

I would love it if you could share something in your classroom you can't live without in the comments!


  1. My favorites are very similar to yours, lamination, velcro (my aid told me the other day, "Just give that girl some velcro and she can make anything!" best compliment ever!)
    I also couldn't live without these 12 inch by 12 inch wooden boards. They are great for storage or sorting tasks.
    Command hooks are also used all over my room to help with organization.
    Great post today :)

  2. I agree with EVERY single thing on your list. My new favorite item has got to be magnetic tape. I now have full use of the backs of my metal bookshelves!

    Speech Chic

  3. Love all of those things as well! I work with preschool age children with Autism and I always have bubbles near by. They are great for helping children to regulate and to help children through transitions!

  4. I agree with all of the above!! I just got my laminator this year and love it! 5mm is a definite and I didn't know I could get an extra wide one! That would be great for my file folders. Love the milk crate idea also. I may be hitting up my cafeteria.

    Learning Ahoy!

  5. Instead of Velcro, I use "Tack It, Over and Over." You can get it from Michael's in the glue section. It's cheaper than Velcro and it sticks anywhere...and no sticky scissors either!

  6. For cheaper velcro prices check out you can get 1440 dots on a roll for $14.00 and you can choose a roll of hard or soft. The durability is just as good as the name brand!

  7. I have to ask - what have you found is the easiest way to wipe off the wet erase markers? I'm working with my niece this summer and laminated activities. I sprayed the page after use and used a paper towel to wipe it off. It worked just fine but got dirty really quickly and we got some ink on our fingers. There has to be a better way!
