
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Give-away and Wrap Up

The last week has been a real doozy...finishing up school and hosting a local wedding reception in the same week might not have been the best idea!  

First off...I want to congratulate the 2 winners from my give away....Stacy and Jasmin (check your emails for details).  And thanks to everyone else who entered...I was super impressed by the turnout.  Using rafflecopter to do a give-away was super easy...I will definitely be doing more in the future!

Packing up my classroom is always such a pain!  Why do we need to pack everything up every year?!  I think (actually, I KNOW...) I have more things in my classroom than in my apartment!   I seriously wonder if there is a better way to go about this...and I am seriously considering hiring movers next year to pack up my room for me!  Below are some pictures of the mess of a classroom I created while packing/cleaning.  I don't know how many times I told myself "it has to get worse before it gets better."

Also, while packing up my room, I had my assistants go through all my file folder type tasks and figure out what pieces were missing.  I made up the missing pieces with boardmaker.  I am super of course I had to measure all the file folders and make pieces the exact same size.  On my boardmaker document, I also typed the name of each file folder, so my assistants could easily figure out where to put each piece.

Here is my pile of file folders missing pieces....and the new ones ready to be cut and velcroed!

After I got my classroom in pretty good shape, I was off to MN (where my family lives) for a second wedding reception (I was married in Mexico this past spring).  It was such a lovely weekend filled with friends, family, dogs, and only a few breakdowns (what can I say....I have a little bridezilla in me!)  
So, now I have 3 days off before summer school begins and I plan on enjoying every minute!


  1. I agree. . . packing up my classroom is the worst part of the year. This year, I went to a meeting for a day and when I returned to school, my assistants had packed it all away!!! I freaked out a bit because it was not done "my way", but in the end, it really made things nice. Now come fall when I have to take it all out of cabinets in disarray, I may lose my cool, but at the time, it allowed me to enjoy my kids for the last couple of days and get out of the building at the same time as the other teachers on the last day (gasp)!!

    1. This is so funny! My assistants also did some packing when I missed a day, and I had the exact same reaction! It's hard to be angry when they are only trying to help...but here's to hoping the fall doesn't give us too much trouble!

    2. It must be a special Ed teacher thing because I am the sane way! My paras kept trying to help me, but I kept telling them no. They did check all of my file folder activities though!

  2. I am a classroom hoarder. I finally purged and feel so much better, less packing. Now I just hope I don't regret getting rid of something

  3. I am still here at school, 2 weeks since school officially ended and am still packing, purging, and preparing for next year. I had purchased a ton of stuff from the dollar store, Target, etc., since January, to make work tasks for the fall, except the stuff just piled up. That is what I get for procrastinating. Also, I have decided I am never again going to do a resource type environment so I purged all of that stuff before I could really think about it. It's both of these tasks that are keeping me here. I hope to be done today and out of here until mid August. Have a great time in summer school and congrats again on your marriage. May you guys have many, many happy years together.
