
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Currently June

Another month, another Currently from Farley.  Head on over to her site to link up!

Listening:  I had a lot of laundry to do this there has been the constant hum of the washer or dryer in the background pretty much whenever I have been here.  Next up, doing a little spring cleaning of my closets!

Loving:  After Memorial Day, my city has street festivals every weekend.  They are so much fun...good food, good music, and good company.  Great way to spend the weekends in the summer!

Thinking:  Trying to get geared up for the last month of school and summer school with some fun, new activities.  If I'm bored of our normal routine, I'm thinking the kids must be too!  Going to need a little Pinterest session later today to try and find some new ideas!

Wanting:  Although we have seen some glimmers of warm weather, nothing is sticking around.  Today it is back in the 50s....brrrrrr.  I would love for it to warm up for good!

Needing:  Although we aren't out until the end of June, I really need to start organizing and packing up some areas of my room.  My school is supposedly going through a giant makeover this summer (I'll believe it when I see it!).  But just in case, I want to have everything organized and packed up perfectly.  I do not want to lose anything, get anything stolen, or have anything broken (all of which have happened in the past!).  

3 Vacay Essentials:  I can't survive vacation without sunglasses, a good book, and my phone (camera, music, games....couldn't ask for more!).


  1. I hate laundry! I have piles of it I need to finish. Hoping the weather warms up for you.

    The 2nd Grade Surprise

  2. I came over from Farley's linky and was intrigued by your blog name. I have a 20 yr old son with Asperger's and a 5 yr old nephew with ASD, I'm looking forward to reading your posts! :-) Lauren Teacher Mom of 3

  3. Pinterest is always a great place to find great, new ideas! The problem is you find too many!!!
    Thanks for stopping by our blog! We are your newest followers!
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies
