
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weather Test

As I mentioned in my last post, during March, our science theme was Weather.  At the beginning and end of each month (which is the length of our science units), I have my students take a little test to see how much they have learned over the course of the month.  I have really enjoyed giving "tests" to my kids for science because I am amazed at all the weird behaviors I encounter that I have never seen before.  The behavior I see most often is cheating....and crying (lots of crying!).  My kids canNOT handle getting things wrong so they cheat and/or cry when they have to mark an answer as wrong.  Well, I actually find this awesome...because they CARE about getting things right.  This means that, most likely,  getting a good grade is reinforcing!  And, as most of you know, conditioning a "good grade" to be a reinforcer is not always easy with our students with autism!  Well anyway...enough of my ranting about grades being reinforcing and onto another FREEBIE.  

Although, you may not necessarily be teaching a specific science unit with a test like I am doing, this little "test" may give you an idea of weather related skill to target with your students.  It covers temperature, graphing, vocabulary, and appropriate clothing choices.

1 comment:

  1. I never do tests or quizzes with my kiddos (well, 2 of them take a test like once every other month), I might need to try this out when I go back after spring break ;) ha! Love the science test you made up.
