
Sunday, April 7, 2013

April Currently

I'm Back!  I had an amazing time celebrating my wedding in Mexico and, although I am sad it is over and I have to go back to reality, it is also nice to be home!  Sorry to those of you who sent me emails or left questions on my blog over the last month...I have been a little MIA.  Now that I have the wedding off my plate, I am hoping to get back to my regular blogging schedule!  And, since I was in Mexico when this month's currently was posted, I am adding it a little late! To join in, go to Farley's blog Oh' Boy 4th Grade

Listening: Now that we are back from Mexico, I now have a HUSBAND...haha.  Also, he can't handle that vacation is over, so he is busy clicking away on his computer trying to plan our next trip.

Loving:  Although it is not above 60 degrees, at least the sun is shining outside and it is warmer than before I left for vacation!

Thinking:  I seriously had the best time in MExico over the last 10 days...we had 75 friends/family join us for our destination wedding, and it couldn't have been any better!  The weather was beautiful and sharing such a special day with so many loved ones was amazing.

Wanting:  Although, I loved vacation, I am happy to back at my blogging again!

Needing:  We literally have NO food in our is terrible.  Definitely need to get to the grocery store today to stock up!  And I think a bit of a detox may be in order after 10 days at an all inclusive resort.

Advice:  Always be flexible and think outside the box.  I think the best thing to do when you are struggling with a student is to look at ways YOU can change things (instead of expecting the student to do all the changing).  Change the environment, change the way you are reacting, etc.


  1. Love your advice, Hailey. Following it will certainly ease a lot of discipline situations before they become major. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following yours.


  2. Congratulations! And good advice. :)

  3. Happy April and CONGRATULATIONS!!! I found your blog on April's Currently and I am your newest follower. March was a busy month and I've been a bit MIA too and finding myself missing my two big vacation destinations (Vegas and OBX) haha! Best of luck getting back on track, summer will be here before you know it.
    Sent From My iPad

  4. Congratulations on your wedding! Great advice, too :)


  5. Congratulations on your wedding! A destination wedding in Mexico sounds wonderful.

  6. Hi Hailey, I am new to blogging, and you are my hero! I love the way you organize your lessons. I have been teaching a while, and have learned that good lessons are only as good as your presentation and being able to locate them next time. I did check out and purchase some of your TPT items, keep up the good work. by the way, congrats on your marriage! I'm sitting here watching it snow (still!) and would love to be in Mexico. Paula

    1. Thanks Paula for all your kind words and great comments on so many of my posts. I love the feedback!
