
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cranium: Cariboo Game

Do you have any of those great games or materials that you store away and forget about?  This week, I was going through some of my games in one of my closets and re-discovered this fun game!  I was looking for it online today and couldn't find it sold new...looks like they stopped making it so it is only available used now.  But, now that most of my kids are identifying letters and numbers, we were ready to play...and they are in love.  Now they keep asking to play it during free time!

Kids pick a card and get either a number or a letter.  They then have to find a piece with a matching number or a word that begins with the letter.  Once they find one, they open it using a key.

When the compartment opens, they look to see whether or not there is a bouncy ball.  If there is, they take it out and put it in the side.

Once all the bouncy balls have been found, the treasure box opens and that player wins.  I love this game because we are able to work on letters, numbers, turn taking, and vocabulary all at the same time!


  1. Hi! I just started following. What grades do you teach?

    1. I teach 3-4 grade students with autism. Thanks so much for following!

  2. I just found you through the liebster award. It's fun to connect with other special education blog. I'm your newest follower! Heather

  3. Hi just wondering if you could help me out what does the x card (advanced) look like? What is on it? Thanks Leigh
