
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Work Task Tuesdays- Sorting by Color

Today, I have some pictures of color sorting tasks to share.  I also included the FREE materials for one of the tasks (see below)!

This task involves sorting green items vs orange items.  I have this one in a couple different versions. 

This one is sorting light colors vs. dark colors.

A great use of the dollar store.  Bought this muffin tin and these pom-poms.  Kids have to sort them into the correct compartment.

This task involves sorting the dinosaurs by color.  I included 3 colors and 3 sizes to make sure the students were attending to the directions on the top of the page.  Click HERE to get the materials for this task.


  1. Love your blog! I purchased some of your materials from TPT! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you so much! Glad you found my resources on TPT helpful! Hope you have a great week!
